Friday, 28 September 2007

Updates to iPhone Leave Some Feeling Jaded, Others Happy

Part of the Apple iPhone’s original draw was the fact that it had some much capability and could be used with plenty of other media applications outside of the phone. People got very used to being able to upload their own third party ringtones to the phone without having to worry about any sort of consequences. Now, it looks like those people are going to be left wanting after recent iPhone updates have taken that ability out of their hands.

When Apple put out the iPhone updates this week, many were expecting some changes that would ultimately benefit the phone owners. It looks like that has happened, although many people are still left wondering why. The truth of the matter is that the new upgrades have made the iPhone a much better product, even though it took away the ability to upload personal favorites onto the phone to use as a ringtone. The updated features should turn out to be a nice touch for iPhone owners, though, as Apple continues to take steps to stay ahead of the curve in regards to their new technology.

This week’s updates are primarily geared towards allowing people to do more with the phone. Many folks had complained about the difficulty with typing on the phone’s keypad, so that feature was improved. Early reviews indicate that it is now very easy to type when compared to how it used to be. In addition to that somewhat simple upgrade, users are now able to find their favorites on the phone a little bit easier. This has added another measure of convenience to the phone that nearly had it all before. Other features are more complicated and have helped the iPhone become a more technologically conscious device.

Many users spent their first few months hoping that the phone would have some sort of television hook up capability. It appears as if those people have gotten their wish. This update makes it a relatively simple process to hook your iPhone up to the television if you own a TV with that capability. This opens up a whole new bunch of possibilities for the future of the device. By allowing phones to connect to televisions, they can then get a connection to a Wi-Fi network. This would enable technological savvy users to upload their own files onto the iPhone from their Wi-Fi network.

Where Apple goes from here is a bit of an uncertainty, as they seem to have touched on just about every update that an iPhone owner could possibly want. One thing seems certain, though. They are serious about cracking down on third party ability to infiltrate the phone’s system. Though taking away ringtones may seem like a little thing, it is just a harbinger for things to come. Apple was not pleased with the fact that users figured out how to hack into the phone an unlock it. When this enabled them to use the phone on other cellular carriers, their relationship with AT&T became somewhat strained.

Any new updates in the future are sure to expand the functionality of the device, but they won’t be opening up any channels for third party functionality. If there is one thing that Apple has shown thus far, it is that they are willing to make a few customers angry in order to protect the integrity of their working relationship with AT&T. If the iPhone is going to profitable for them going into the future, they will have to continue that dedication to keeping other carriers from being able to offer iPhone service.

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